Is There a Microfinance Bubble in South India?

MicrofinanceFocus, 17 Nov 2009

By most standards, microfinance is a young sector, and in many countries it can be said to still be in its infancy.   Yet its continuing spectacular growth, especially in India, should give one pause – every time promoters celebrate another multi-million-client threshold, I wonder – how many more such thresholds are left?  How do we know when we’ve arrived?

This is not a philosophical question – normally, markets send signals.  New customer demand drops.  Prices fall.  Margins decrease.  However, credit markets are funny animals – the hopeful, exuberant part of our human nature dictates that, when presented with the opportunity, we tend to overestimate our repayment capacities and borrow beyond our means.  And when we can borrow from one lender to repay another, we can stretch the cycle out even further.  The market signal gets delayed, while a bubble builds – when the signal does come, it is in the form of the bubble bursting.  more →